What would make baby...

Why would my son all of a sudden start not sleeping at night? He was doing really good and sleeping from 8 -830 to 6-630. Then he started waking up to feed once a night which wasn't bad because I could feed him and be right back to sleep. Past few days have been horrible. Last night went to bed about 830-9. Then started waking up every hour. Until about 1230, then he was ready to be up. I went to living room and put him in swing. I'd go over and rub his face and he would dose off and minute or two later back awake. I finally got him to sleep a little after two. So he slept in swing while I slept on couch. He slept till about 630. Tonight he was in his bed asleep about 930 and has done woke up 3 times. Would he be having a growth spurt at 7 months? could it be his gums? He has no teeth. He gets his bath,6oz cereal bottle while I rock him to sleep. I wait 10 minutes before putting him in his crib to make sure he's in deep sleep. Before anyone suggest letting him cry it out and put his self to sleep... I will not do that because he has acid reflux and fluids going back into his esophagus. Any other advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated. And thanks in advance.