Faint positive after miscarriage

Sam • Mama to Hunter Cleyson, Oliver Jameson & Finley June
I miscarried at the end of August and finished passing my baby on September 10th. We started trying to get pregnant a week later after the bleeding had stopped and my levels were back down to zero. I haven't gotten my period yet but I have been having symptoms like no other. I took a pregnancy and ovulation test last week to try to find some answers as to where my body was at but they were both negative. Then when I got home from work tonight I took an ovulation test which came back extremely positive which seemed a little strange to me since I thought I had already ovulated a couple weeks ago. I decided I might as well take a pregnancy test then just to calm my nerves and this is what I got. I'm kind of freaking out and am trying not to let myself believe it. I'm definitely taking another one in the morning.