possible miscarriage

Kathryn • Hello everyone, my name is Kathryn and my fiancé and I are trying for baby number 2. We have a 4 year old daughter
So last Tuesday we officially found out we were expecting baby #2 on Saturday I started spotting so I called my Oab he said come in Monday for blood work and to be checked unless something changes then go to ER so since things picked you went in. The dr in ER said my cervix was still closed and there was a little more blood then they expected to see but they couldn't do an ultra sound cause I was so early and they drew blood and said follow up with OB Monday. Come Sunday I wake up my back is aching,I'm cramping and bleeding heavy what a normal cycle and had 2 blood clots probably size or quarters so i assumed Imiscarried. Went into my OB today and he tells me my cervix is still closed so nothing has passed so he explained to me could be 2 things. 1) the baby just never developed or 2) I just was having a period and if my levels are up baby is okay. So my blood work will be back no later then Wednesday. I'm preparing for the worse and hoping for the best. Has anyone else been thru similar situation? (Sorry for long post)