Depressed and feel like giving up!

It suck having cure and constantly taking medicine that may or may not work... i just finished taking my second round of clomid now at 100mg in conjuction with my 3 metformin pills a day 500mg each. Im on cycle day 11 with 7 more days until my fertile window... im trying to have hope but each time my Af skip a month im happy until i test and im not pregnant. Im getting up in age. 32 is not old but i still have NO children...we have been trying for the last 2 yrs and nothing! This is so frustrating. Esp. When you see women concieve who dont want or like kids. Not to mention all the money that i have spent on dr's, ovulation kits and preg. Tests. Im just soooooooo tired and needed to rant...thanks for listening