Over Due 😳

Candice • Trucks & Cows ❤️
I'm currently laying here at 40+1 and absolutely miserable! I have been sick with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) since 4w6d. I have thrown up EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And had 24/7 nausea since then. I was hospitalized over 20 times this pregnancy. I've been on so many different (pregnancy safe) medications trying to keep it under control. I NEVER thought I would still be pregnant. We had so many problems keeping baby & I healthy... But here I am at 40+1 with her kicking away. I am so proud of my body but at the same time IM READY FOR THIS TO BE OVER!!!!!!! I'm one of the few in my family to have NOT have a premature baby... I'm going to beg to be induced today (maybe they will do it this weekend).