13 DPO, No Period, PE survivor

Ok so this is going to be a long story so bear with me. On 9/11 I had a pulmonary embolism due to smoking while on the Nuvaring. I've since quit smoking btw. I took the ring out on 9/11 and started my period on 9/15. The doctor told me I would never be able to take hormonal BC. My bf and I have been using condoms. He's since moved in with me. We have protected sex regularly. Once the condom fell off after he ejaculated but it wasn't pushed inside. We also had unprotected sex once but he withdrew. Also, on 10/29 I got severe ovary cramps during oral AND penetration. It felt like a muscle cramp but specifically in my pelvis. 
I was supposed to start my period on 10/12. My periods have never been regular so without my BC to keep it regular I wasn't really expecting it to come like normal.
 However, this is what's going on. 
- Nausea the past few days (occasional PMS symptom)
- EXTREME fatigue for the past 48 hours (could be from the PE)
- Crazy emotions (could be PMS)
- BF's dog refuses to jump up on me (he will jump up and hug everyone but me after previously doing this)
- Heartburn, mainly at night
- Last week I had a few random sharp stabbing pains in my right breast (no clue)
I know I could just take a test and get it over with but I don't want to get my hopes up and get disappointed (we're not actively TTC but neither one of us would be upset). I just don't know if it's too soon to tell with a test b/c I feel like I've been here before and it was nothing. Also, has anyone ever gotten off of the Nuvaring and went to nothing? How regular were you?