Help Me

Tanya • Miscarried at 8 weeks 2/12/18.. 💔👼 🌈 baby.. 11/30/2018

Hi Everyone. I just turned 34 on Oct 13 and have been trying to conceive my first child for 2 years and 8 months. I had health insurance for a majority of that time and took some tests snd an xray which discovered I have a unicorn uterus. I'm not sure if I am actually releasing eggs when I ovulate. My partner is 41? However, he has two children (Ages 9&10). I have been pregnant once 10 years ago, but unfortunately miscarried and have been scared since then. I was on the depot shot for about 3 years. Any recommendations or helpful tips for me? I currently have no health insurance. I just want my own little bundle of joy.

Thanks ;)