
Kara • Married 🇨🇦 SAHM Girl 09/09/16 -x- Boy 08/29/19 Waiting to TTC #3

My baby is 6 weeks old. I love her, I love being her mom. I'm trying to decide if I should return to work after my year of maternity leave.

I could work opposite shift from my husband and we would avoid childcare but I really don't want to go back. My greatest wish is to stay home til all of my babies go to school.

My mom says that I shouldn't quit because when I go back it will be too late to accumulate retirement savings and what-have-you. I really don't understand this reasoning. I will deal with retirement when it happens but my kids will be off living their lives then, they will only be mine for a few years, these few years, and I want to be there.

I just feel like I will be letting people down by quitting my job. Especially my mother, I absolutely hate to disappoint her, I always disappoint her.

Will I regret it if I stay at work? If I do it for other people? My mom was home with my brothers and I, I loved it, I would always choose to have her home if I could relive my childhood.