Am I pregnant? Let's guess!

MLP 9/24 
Ovulation about 10/7
Sex 10/7 withdrawal but a little sloppy on the pull out part. 
12th sex again but better at withdrawal 
13th Pink spotting on TP in morning and stopped after that. 
I've been urinating like crazy but noticed some burning. 
I have a yeast infection. Yuck. First one and I'm 30. 
Still urinating a lot more than I'd like to.
Every tired lately
Regular pms symptoms. Cramps last 24 hour hours or so. Had a pap done yesterday. 
Body hurts, boobs, moody, can't fall asleep for the pst few days which is annoying. Two days constipation a little, increased hunger. 
Headache and some random heart burn
Took a pregnancy test yesterday with morning urine- Neg. 
what does everyone think?
I will post tomorrow, period is due according to glow and it's been spot on for at least 3 months now! :) 

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