Longest Labor Ever!!

Ok so it all started Thursday morning. Went into my doctor appointment hoping to get an induction date for the following week. I was having very high blood pressure, headaches, and crazy swelling. We wanted to be induced before I developed preeclampsia. My blood pressure was very high at the appointment so he sent us straight over to the hospital to be induced! Talk about exciting! Little did I know it was going to take forever..so we got there around 11am on Thursday morning. My cervix was completely closed and hard. They started me on cervidil and my contractions started at every 2 min and continued at that pace until the pitocin started. I kept that in for 12 hours and they checked me and I was only 1cm so they inserted another cervidil pill. 12 hours later I was at 3cm! It was now Friday afternoon and they were going to start my on pitocin. They had 5 scheduled c sections in a row and said the anesthesiologist could either come give me the epidural now or I could wait until he was done with all the c sections later that night. I took it right away lol I was now feeling amazing considering I was having constant contractions and back labor. I seriously felt like my back was breaking, it was the worst feeling ever! Ok so got the epidural and I was feeling perfect..they started pitocin and my contractions got super strong and close together but I couldn't feel a thing. My doctor came in around 6pm and I was 4cm so he broke my water..my husband and I got ready thinking the baby would come soon..wrong! lol I went all night and was slowly progressing. Finally Saturday morning at 8am I was 10cm. Started pushing and the nurse said I wasn't pushing correctly so she turned off my epidural. This was by far the worst decision she made lol all of my back labor came back and it was a horrific pain. She turned it off so I could feel my pushes better but all it did was make me scream in pain. After an hour and half (felt like 5 hours lol) of pushing, my baby's head was visible. I only know this because my husband was telling me how he had blonde hair..the rest from here was kind of a blur. Some monitors starting beeping and the babies heart rate was not right, I developed a fever of 107 and he developed a fever of 101. The doctor came in and told me he wanted to do a c section because the risk of infection but I had the right to refuse and keep pushing. Of course I wanted my baby to be healthy so I agreed to the c section and was immediately taken into the operating room. It all happened so fast but my little man was born at 10:09am on Saturday 10/15! I heard them say "8lbs 9oz, he's breathing too fast and has a 101 temp we need to get him to the NICU" I heard all of this as I'm behind the blue curtain they put up. They rushed him over to me and told me to kiss him and then he was taken off. I sent my husband with him and I fell asleep as they stitched me up. I was just exhausted from the 3 days of labor..and I'm sure the pain meds knocked me out too lol I woke up as they were wheeling me to recovery. They told me I wasn't going to be able to get out of bed because it would be too painful so I wouldn't be able to see my baby until the following morning when I felt better. I was able to get up and walk to the wheelchair by 5pm and I got to go meet him!! I was so excited..he's perfect in every way possible ❤️ he only had to stay in the NICU for 48 hours. He was given antibiotics for infection, just as a precaution because of the fever. All of his tests came back perfect and he's healthy as can be 😊