Fingers crossed and praying hard

My husband and I have been ttc for baby #1 for 18 months. The last 3 months we have sought medical attention and started seeing a fertility specialist at an <a href="">ivf</a> clinic as I was diagnosed with pretty bad pcos.

I'm now on my 2nd round of clomid after having primolut to bring on my period. First round was 25mg and no ovulation. This round was 50mg a day (cd 5-9) Has anyone had success on this dosage?

I also started using clearblue digital opks. The doc said to save my money but I just want to try anything that helps.She said that because of clomid and hormones being a bit all over the place opks won't work properly .....I've NEVER read or heard this before so was wondering if anyone else was told the same?

For the last 4 days (starting on cd 15) I've had the flashing smiley. On Monday I had an ultrasound (cd 12) and the doc said to BD on Friday-Sunday. Got my first flashy smile on thurs so BD then and Friday. Didn't yest (sat) due to hubby being away.....

Yesterday I was feeling quite strong pains on the left side which is where doc said the egg was maturing. What could this be? Ovulation? Implantation?

Does anyone have any advice about when to test opks, when to BD, positions to use lol, anything else???

We are pretty desperate for this cycle to be a success.