ED is killing my chances of pregnancy

My husband is significantly older than I am and we have sex once every two months, if I'm lucky. I knew this was a bit of an issue before we got married, but for whatever reason, I guess I hoped that it would get better. It hasn't. I've grown incredibly frustrated and angry with him and I feel unwanted, gross and unloved. I'm constantly on edge and feel more like roommates that I do spouses. 
The biggest issue is that this obviously decreases my chances of getting pregnant. I just don't know what to do anymore. My husband carries on like everything is okay, but every day I grow more and more depressed because I feel like conceiving a child will never happen for us.
Sometimes I feel like this was all a mistake. I love my husband, but I just don't really feel happy anymore. We've spoken about this on several occasions but it's always so awkward. He knows he has issues with ED but it's like he doesn't want to do anything about it - like he's content with having sex once every two months. 
I guess I just needed to vent. If anyone has any advice, it is welcome.