Tough Decision... help!


Okay so this is my 4th baby, tried for girls got nothing but boys. My body cant handle any more pregnancies or csections.. i am so pooped. However I am so scared I might want a girl later in life...

I am faced with the "are you getting your tubes done" question..

I have suffered from many hormonal problems, like PCOS and PMDD, had acne and mood swings, bad periods.. I always used hormonal birth control to help control my symptoms.

I want my tubes done, but I am scared that without the hormonal birth control (used the patch) that I will have lots of problems.

Asked my Dr and was told several dif things.. which didnt clarify for me what would be better!

I have to know By December so I can sign the papers.

I am so conflicted on what to do.. what do you guys think?

Any woman that suffers from similar problems or the same, what do you think?

I am scared to do it, then 5 yrs from now, want to try for a girl (as crazy as it sounds because atm im pooped on being pregnant and think 4 is ,ore than enough lol) I know things can change.. but i need insight from other women. No one else has really understood or tried to help me on the subject.

thanks ladies!