mil rant

Jolene • Momma of a beautiful girl Kinsley Anne born Jan 18th 2016 and due with our 2nd girl Maddison Reece due May 15th 2017
Well my mother in law and father in law are in town visiting helping my husband with the upstairs remodeling. So little history of my mil is she's a big pill popper and lies and tries deny it and all that jazz. Well I have an 9month old daughter their first grandkid and I'm 10 wks along with #2. Well earlier she told me I should of waited and I said well it happened she tells me there's a thing called birth control. So now I'm under the impression she doesn't care or want another grandkid and by god if it ain't a boy she's not happy!
Well she's hasn't payed much attention to my daughter played with her for maybe a total of 10mins and she's been here since yesterday! She was passed out all day yesterday, and today has been cleaning my house, why I have no clue it wasn't even that dirty! But my dog got out and I ran outside to get him and she knew that watched me and everything well she ended up passing out after taking pills! The 5mins I was away and my daughter was in the room with her! Well my daughter is at that age where she gets into everything. Well the baby gate didn't get closed or something and my daughter was out running where she shouldn't be and got
Into my purse and was eating a gum wrapper that she almost choked on, spilt gma RED pop all over the carpet! She probably let the dog out without watching him or anything! And my husband and father in law been working hard on the remodel! Just frustrating that she has to be doped up on pills and she thinks when my daughter is older that she's gonna stay at her house for long periods of time, fuck no over my dead body!
Anyone else have a mil or family like that?