Am I overreacting to my boyfriend?

So my boyfriend got his wisdom teeth out on Friday morning (and I'm away at college) so I've been as understanding as I possibly can, I've been giving him a lot of space and only texting him rarely to ask how he's feeling. Anyway, he's kinda been an asshole to me but I may be overreacting because I'm on my period. He's snapped at me a few times, has been giving me one word answers, and just flat out told me he doesn't want to text. I got my wisdom teeth out last year and didn't act like this at all even though I was in a ton of pain. I told him I wanted to send him ice cream and he straight up just told me to please not send anything. I understand that he's probably uncomfortable but I'm kind of hurt about how he's reacting, I just care about how he's feeling. Am I overreacting?