What stage of your career should you have a baby?

Hey all,

I really love this community and I'm hoping to gain wisdom on an issue I am completely flummoxed about. I just got married to the love of my life after nearly a decade of dating and we've been casually talking about having kids for the last few years. We both have stable, good paying jobs and a great support structure of family and friends close by. I think emotionally and economically we're both ready to seriously consider starting a family, but I'm on an accelerated career track that requires me to pull in long hours and devote a huge chunk of my life to work. My mother never worked so she can't really help me navigate this. I want it all - the career, the marriage, the family. I guess my question is : Is it better to start a family as a low level employee in your mid 20s, or to wait until your career is really established in your 30s?