My miscarriage scare made my SO finally care.

We don't know what we're having yet. We find out in about a month. But my SO asked me tonight when can we start talking about names... he hasn't really spoken of the pregnancy or acted like it's happening until yesterday. I started bleeding and was cramping and was horrified. Went to the hospital and found out I have a small hemorrhage behind the placenta (which is apparently pretty normal) but I'm on bed rest until Tuesday. So I said whenever you would like, the subject is open whenever you'd like to start discussing them... He asked if it was a boy, if we could name it after his grandpa, and I said of course, and I asked if the middle name could be my dad's middle name. So... in the matter of 24 hours, he went from not seeming to care at all about the baby or the pregnancy, to looking into the car seat I want (chicco keyfit 30) and we agreed to purchase it when I'm off bed rest (we split a bank account, I'm not making a purchase that big without saying something) and have decided on a name if it is a boy.
So... while yesterday was by far the most terrifying day of my life, some light came from it, because now he seems excited, and like he actually cares.
Also. He teared up and said he knew everything would be okay, when he saw this.