I don't know if I have it or not

My son is 8 weeks old. & since the week after he was born, I've had mood swings. I didn't think of it well because I'm a women, unfortunately we go through these hormonal changes. They started to get worse & I wasn't as happy as I use to be. Once again, I thought nothing of it because I'm a FTM running on little bit of sleep. So I thought, I'm just cranky. Things got even worse as the weeks go by. I love my son so much & so very blessed that I was able to create & have him, but lately I feel like I take care of him because I have to, not because I want to. I feel horrible about it. I just got a hormonal iud put in the other day too & my mood swings & break downs have just gotten worse to the point my husband made me a Dr's appointment. Which I'm against because all their going to suggest is anti depressions & therapy. I hate taking meds, & even more hate talking to a stranger I have to pay about my problems & feelings. I am feeling like a horrible person, wife (because my husband scents I'm resenting him) & mother. I feel like with my son's age he should be smiling now & he hasn't. I don't know if this is ppd I'm having, if it's side affects to this iud birth control, if it's my first period since birth or what.