did I miscarry?

So the last two weeks and past few days I have been feeling really sick and just really tired and it felt like my uterus was hard and crampy. I felt like puking constantly and would get hot flashes.
I hadn't had my period and had sex with my man a couple times. I had just started my birth control patch in August. I thought I had my first period on my patch when I did my off week but it was just spotting, that would've been two and a half weeks after we had sex. 
Flash forward a month later we had sex on my off week, but I had read that I was safe to have unprotected sex on my off week.  
Today when I was at work I went to the bathroom and it was a huge blood clot like period of some sort that had little pieces of like tissue in it.
Was I pregnant and didn't realize and miscarried?