she's here finally

Elisa • Back using my favourite pregnancy app, baby number 6 on its way 🤰🏼💁🏽‍♂️🤴🏻👸🏼🤴🏻👸🏼
My little chunk is here Billie-Mae 8lb6oz. After being induced yesterday afternoon at 12:30pm she was born at 10:25 I had the gel and it kicked my contractions off so fast they were so intense, I lost the plot half way through had gas and air and begged for the epidural but was to late 4 pushes and she was born I had to get up and push because she was back to back, I do have to say baby number 4 and the most painful but she's so worth it. And she's feeding on the breast like a dream. I'm so in love 😍