who would get in trouble

I'm just curious. These kids next door were playing and started taunting my dogs a little. I kept an eye and was waiting to say something. So they did again and I went out and yelled at them that they need to leave my dogs alone and they just stayed in their yard after that. But I'm wondering if something did happen would I even Be in trouble? My dogs have never bitten anyone and I don't think they will but if a kid is in their face then who knows if they'll try and defend themselves we haven't really been in that situation I mean we've had kids go right up the them before and they don't do anything but lick. Anyways we have a proper fenced in area that goes around our garage for the dogs. The rest of the yard is open. But I never said these kids could be in our yard or anything, obviously and I know it's a kid with his friends over and his mom is not out watching them(which they're like 9 or 10 but still) or she'd say something to them about leaving the dogs alone. So I'm just wondering if something did happen like if they came and stuck their hand through being mean to the dogs and if they bit one would we even be in trouble? Again since we have the proper setting for them(we've looked into building the right fence by city rules) and I never said they could be anywhere near my yard and the parent is not watching them?