Like clock work🙅🏻

Sarai • Mommy of 3 amazing teenagers!
I'm out this freaking month so annoyed and upset and sad and frustrated all at the same time! I never buy tests in bulk and I did this month hoping we would be pregnant I just knew this was our month and BAM nothing! AF came as usual 😡 So fucking irritated 😤 I wish I could throw in the towel but we want this baby too much.. and it just sucks because I have my period for six days the day that is ends we are baby dancing like crazy then in my TWW I really try to take care of myself no drinking, no stress be calm and for what ??? Not a damn thing for it to just be negative and get my damn period again! I get emotional with every successful BFP I see everywhere. And can my SO for once try not to be so positive grrr with his it's okay my queen it will happen .. ugh makes me want to hurt someone👊🏼 Can anyone relate to this??