Weird bleeding


Okay so here is my story. I wasn't due to get my period until October 11th. I ended up getting it a week early on the 4th.

Here's the strange part!

The 3rd I had unprotected sex. It wasn't like normal tho. As soon as my partner started it hurt so bad. ( this has never happened ) The next day I had very bad stomach pain and back pains. I also had very light bleeding barley anything when I would wipe. The next two days the bleeding got a lot darker and had massive blood clots. ( also never has happened ) The it was just dark bleeding with stingy like stuff for about another three days. It finally ended and three days after it stopped I began spotting. The spotting was super dark. Lasted almost a week itself. What could this be??? Someone give me answers!!!

Other info

Had unprotected sex 17,18,19,20,24,27 and the 30th of September.

Was on depo for two years and stopped in January and switched to the pill.

On birth control pills ( I always have my period around the same time every month due to the period pill )

Can't sleep / restless


Body aching

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