
My stepmom told me to look in the freezer for what meat we have. I did... she starts bitching that I did a shitty job. I told her then you need to get off your lazy ass and do it yourself. I can't watch YOUR kid and take inventory... while she's sitting on the couch playing games and crap. Before she married my dad she said "I wont be like the Cinderella stepmom" bullshit. Cuz the day she married my dad she acted like a bitch. Telling me to do her errands cuz she wants to lay down. Telling me to pick up HER KIDS FROM SCHOOL becauseshe  wants to take a bath... she's a prissy princess. If it werent for my dad grieving my mom and rushing into this relationship. She would still drive a crappy 1980's car, and have to work as a bartender. Now she has a 2016 Chrysler 300 and gets to stay home on her brand new phone. She complains about what others have but tell us to be thankful for what we have. She comes from a wealthy family and have a maid.. My family is middle class, we can't afford a maid. So when she complains that we don't have a lot it makes me angry. I count my blessing every day and pray to God letting him know I'm thankful for living another day.