3am wake up

My son is 5 1/2 months old and sleeps relatively well. He is able to put himself to sleep with little help from me. He usually sleeps for about 3-4 hours at a time, with occasional wake ups due to losing his pacifier (but goes right back to sleep when you put it back). But around 2 or 3 am he wakes up and just cannot sleep by himself. He needs to be with someone, either in their arms or laying with/on them. I have tried everything I can think of - switching from back to belly (yes he can roll over both ways) and vice versa, music, white noise, a mobile with a light projector, patting him, pacifier, teething ring to chew on, rocking him, he's fed and changed. Nothing seems to work. Anyone been through this or have any ideas? Being a stay at home mom and him being EBF, we are the most bonded. So when I can't get it done, I'm at such a loss! 
He also does the same thing during the day for naps.
*He has slept in his bassinet in our room since birth,  but last night he is now in his room in his crib, but he still sleeps the same.