33 weeks 2 days

Jessica • First time mommy, can't wait to meet my little prince due 12/9!!❤️
Today I am 33 weeks 2 days....last week I went in for a biophysical scan and there were some concerns about my little mans heart rate as it kept dropping and going back up so I spent 3 days in hospital being monitored and getting the steroid shots in case he had to be deliverered early...but luckily I was able to be discharged as he stayed totally stable and happy for 2 of those days and things are looking great!!! I'll now be seeing my doctors 2 times a week as well as getting biophysical scans twice a week from now on, but whatever is best for my little prince is what I will do!! So here I am today at 33 weeks 2 days with my lil guy still cooking!!!