Going on BC to regulate cycles while TTC


Ok, so I have been trying to get prego since April of 2015. I had irregular cycles after going off birth control (about every 60 days). I had a blighted ovum in March 2016 that ended in a DNC. After the DNC my period was normal (every 28 days). Then in May 2016 I had a chemical miscarriage and I have not been regular since. In August I went on a 10 day dose of provera to force a period. It did come but now I haven't had a period since September 3rd.

I just had foot surgery last week and will have another one in February so we won't will be TTC until April next year. So my gyno recommended I go back on birth control to regulate my periods until we are ready to TTC again.

She thinks going back on it for a few months will help us conceive but I'm worried birth control caused my irregularities in the first place.

Anyone go back on birth control to get regular and get prego right after coming off of it?