Anniversary Sickness Hoax?

Today is my 2 year anniversary wth my boyfriend. Today we were going to go to a pumpkin patch/petting zoo. Mind you that we NEVER EVER do anything! So when he agreed to do this event I was completely ecstatic! Well yesterday he came up with a fever but said he was fine. Then today as I was getting ready he texts me and says he feels aweful. So he slept the day away. 
While I cried for 30 minutes because the perfect day was just before me and then it's gone. He tells me how sorry he is like 100 times and I understand he can't help but get sick. So I'm just upset about the situation. 
Well the late afternoon comes. We get food and now he's on his computer playing games and I can't even convince him to lay with me for 30 minutes before our anniversary is over. Now I'm just starting to think his whole "I'm sick situation" was a hoax.