Opinion/advice about stripping...

Melodie • Baby #1 is 18 months... TTC#1= PREG at my second round of clomid. Now PREG with baby #2. First month we tried, no medication. Due date= nov.2018 ❤️ PCOS+MTHFR+FVLeiden homozygous. 11 years with my husband. 28M-28F
My doc told me that at my 37 weeks appointment (in one week), she will offer me a stripping. I'm currently 3.5 dilated, baby is head down, low and 80% effaced. This pregnancy has been hard. Ive been on bedrest, currently on heparin, its getting hard to even walk... so I would be happy when its over! Should I take it?! Im scared it wont really worked because Im not enough near my due date and will only induced pain for nothing... Would you ask for one?