Is there hope?

Last Wednesday I had my hcg checked. It was 20. Friday it only rose to 26. I just got the call from my doctor saying it only went up to the 50's today. It's just not rising how it should. They want me back on Wednesday to check again. Wednesday is the day we were suppose to bring our daughter in to this world. This past week has just been very hard on us. We want to have high hopes, but I know in my heart I'm going to have to feel more heartbreak. I did ask them to check my progesterone and thyroid on Wednesday, I need answers. We need answers. Is there any hope though? Has anyone had low numbers (I am 4 weeks today) that didn't double daily and still have a healthy pregnancy? Please just be upfront. I can handle it. I would much rather hear the truth than having someone try to make me feel better. It's appreciated, but I would rather just face the facts.