relationship with husband

Have any of you ladies noticed that your relationship with your husband has just gone to shit? My husband and I did not have a perfect relationship prior to baby, but we had fun and loved each other. Since baby has arrived the fights have gotten more malicious and mean (on both sides) he threatens to not stay the night at home every time we have a conflict and has even threatened divorce. I am afraid to talk about this with anybody, including him, because he recently told me that he leaves during fights so he doesn't punch me in the face. I am not meek and I don't take well to being told what to do, so pushing his buttons is my natural response. I'm trying to say that it's not like I'm innocent in this, but I definitely don't feel like I deserve physical violence or threats. I don't know what to do: park of me feels like I should be put on a heavy dose anti depressant so that I would just keep my mouth shut, and the other park of me just feels stuck. I certainly don't want to get a divorce, am I alone?