Should i let my mom in the room durlimg delivery?

My mom wants to be in the delivery room for the birth of my 1st baby, her 1st grand baby. But idk i am a very private person and im not that close with my mom. She makes rude comments about my baby and me because she doesnt agree with my lifestyle. Im just confused. I dont want to hurt her feelings but i also want to be comfortable.

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That is your baby. You have every right to not allow her in the delivery room. This is not about your mom. This is about you and your baby and if your mom cannot respect that and respect YOU she doesn't deserve to be there in the first place. Your comfort is the most important. Considering you guys aren't that close the last thing you need is stress. Your baby will not change between the time you give birth and the time she can visit. It's better to have positive energy and calm. She doesn't need to be right between your legs. There will not be anything she can do but sit there and trust me it will agitate you. I had my grandmother there and I personally wanted to throw her out of the room because she was so obnoxious.


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I think that delivering your child is a very intimate thing and you should only have people who support you in there. My mom wants to be in there but I told her no the only one that's going to be in there is my husband because I don't need the added stress.


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It is a very personal choice and a personal event! I am not close with my mom but she was a labor and delivery nurse for 15 years and is now a nurse practitioner in women's health so I want her there for that reason lol! I would just tell your mom that you only want it to be you and your baby's father.


Posted at
I am in a similar situation. I also don't know what to do. I'm pretty close to my mom but she always makes comments that belittle my husband. Every time we call her out on it; she changes for a little bit and then goes back to doing it. Our childbirth is as much an experience for my husband as it is for me so I'd like him to be comfortable and enjoy the experience. I'm sure my mom will make weird comments about my vagina and criticize my husband for doing or not doing certain things but I also don't want to rob my mom of experiencing at least one birth of her grandchildren. So idk I'm torn. 


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I had my dad in the room with me, as we close but when I started pushing he was out outside the room. But I loved it. He is my best friend and been there for all 4 of my sons births... I'm going to be so lost without him this time. 💔


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This is not about your mom. JMO but only you and your SO were there when you conceived so only you two need to be there. Totally my opinion but I'm also a private person and I don't need any distractions. This is my second child but it will still only be me and my hubs. 


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Do what makes you comfortable when ur mom say smart stuff about u and ur baby she's not thinking about ur feelings so having that said if this is something u really don't want tell ur mom nicely and respectfully. Remember this will be the best moment of ur life giving birth to ur child don't have no one ruin it!! Good Luck


Posted at
I have the same relationship with my mom. She has always made rude comments to me about my paper eaten E, personality, choices since I was about 10. She wanted to be in the room with my first but I just explained that I wanted it to be just my husband and I and she could come in after I had my baby and was cleaned up with everyone else. Of course she was butt hurt but she got over it after she saw her new grand baby!


Posted at
The fact that you're questioning it is a big sign that she shouldn't be in there. This is the birth of your child, and you need to be as calm and comfortable as you possibly can. If she would add stress to the situation, say no. And if you decide not to let her, tell your nurses and doc that she's not allowed in...they will make sure she stays out. 


Posted at
You should be fully comfortable with whoever will be in the room with you. It might be time to talk to your mom about her rude comments. Explain to her that these kind of comments won't be tolerated anymore and if she wants to be in the delivery room, she needs to show a willingness to keep certain thoughts to herself.