feeling fat 😭

I'm posting anonymously because I am honestly mortified at how my body looks, 
I'm around 17 weeks with twins and I wasn't tiny to start with but I was uk size 10-12 which I was ok with but honestly now I just feel hideous with my stomach flapping over my trousers when I sit down and rolls up the back.
Can anyone relate? Does it get better and the weight gain evens out by the end of a twin pregnancy? Am I just turning into a whale?!
I haven't been intimate with my SO in over a month because of how much I hate my body and just feel flabby no matter how much he tells me he loves me or that it's ok it's just baby weight and that he doesn't think I've gained that much anyway.
I hate myself so much I just want to curl up and give up on life, I honestly wouldn't blame him if he cheated, I wouldn't want my fat flabby body either 😭😭