so ready to be done.

FYI long post.  I had my normal check up Friday and my blood pressure was high they said we will be back in a bit to take it again. So ok no big deal they come back and it's even higher, they say the same thing we will be back. At this point I'm on the monitor and having contractions but I can't feel them. Not a big deal. They put me back in a room and check it one more time and it went down a little. I have had bad swelling for 4 weeks now. Every appointment they take blood for toxemia and preeclampsia and they come back "a little high but ok" as they say. Welll with Friday being so crazy they told me to take it easy this weekend and come back Monday to talk about possible induction if my blood pressure is still high. Mind you I've had a head ache all weekend and tell them this and I took Tylenol this morning I go to my appointment yet again my blood pressure was high and they say ok we will be back in a bit to check it and they put me on the monitor never once come check my blood pressure so I'm done in the monitor and get out into a room and then doctor finally comes in and I say they haven't checked my blood pressure again since I got here and she checked me I'm at a 2 and about 70% effaced and said I want more blood work and then they will check blood pressure again. It's still high and all doctor said was no work and I'll see ya Thursday. I'm sooooo frustrated and wantthis pregnancy  to be over so I can have my baby girl here. I will miss being pregnant but I just feel like absolute sh*t!!!ok sorry rant over.