A month late and confused

Hey ladies, I am a month and 2 days late on my period. My last period was two weeks late exactly and was 4 days long. My periods are usually 28-30 days apart never this late, and they last about 6-7 days. I took an at home pregnancy test (first responce two pack) I took them both and they were negative, a week and a half after my missed period, at two and a half weeks late I bought two more pregnancy test I just bought the cvs brand. Both negative. And three and a half weeks late I went to my local health department and I asked for a blood test they only did a urine test. And told me to come back after I was a month late to do the blood test. I called them today and the lady informed me that they do not do blood test. I have noticed some very off things about my body recently, my nipples not my whole breast have been so sore for 2 whole weeks. I have had heart burn for a week straight now. I'm so sleepy all the time, and I get so out of breath for things I usually don't, maybe a tmi but my discharge is thicker than usual. My diet has not changed except I have wanted sea food, which is a little off because I have eaten it twice this week and I usually eat seafood 3-4 times a year. I'm not very stressed I have been very calm about this to keep myself from stressing, and that be the cause of me not having a period. But I am starting to grow concerned. Update, I have scheduled a doctor's appointment, but no where wanted to see me for almost two weeks. To give my body more time to produce more hormones. I just really want to know for sure.