OPK Confusion - Am I Ovulating?!

For the first two cycles of TTC I used First Response OPK's. Both times I got like 6-7 "flashing smiley faces" (aka high fertility) but I never got my "solid smiley" (aka peak fertility). This would suggest that I did not ovulate. However, both times on the second to last and last days of those 6-7 "flashing smiley" trends I had some (not a massive amount) if eggwhite CM. I even had some light cramping on my left side (which I normally would attribute to ovulated pain) the second to last day both cycles. When I told my doctor about this at a recent visit she told me to come back for. bloodwork in two months if I'm "still not ovulating or pregnant". That would only mean that we'd been trying for 5 months and she's talking about hormone level testing. This is all very scary and I don't know whether to believe my body symptoms and chill out or the OPK and be concerned in this situation. I GUESS since I'm clearly not pregnant maybe I'm really not ovulating. I switched to Wondflo cheapies this cycle so we'll see if that changes things. In the meantime, HELP!!! Have any of you ever ovulated and/or conceived when the OPK never peaked or showed a positive?