weigh gain during pregnancy

Here's the thing, in 2012, I weighed nearly 300 pounds. I lost 125 in 2013 and kept it off steady until this August (2016) when I decided I wanted to lose another 35-37 pounds. It's been slow going. I've lost 15 but I'm so close to a "normal" weight that it is snail pace to keep going. Some charts (SBMI) say I'm a normal weight and others (good ol' BMI) says I'm still overweight. 
My weight has always --always-- been a struggle for me. I am losing weight before we officially start to try to conceive in February 2017 (we had to stop trying until we were no longer worried about our Zika exposure) because I and so scared of seeing the 200s back up on the scale again. The less I weigh now, the less chances I have of seeing that dreaded number post-pregnancy.
I eat crazy healthy and work out 5 days a week. I'm good at menu planning and keeping track of consumed calories. Is ghat enough?
Does anyone have tips about nutrition they can share?
I legitimately need help...