Baby Bently 7 weeks early

My pregnancy was considered high risk since my first born son was born 6 weeks early, 4 days after my water broke. I had monthly ultrasounds to check my cervix as it was unclear exactly why my first son came so early. At 27 weeks, I went into preterm labor that they were able to stop with meds. I had an ultrasound again to check my cervix then was sent on my way. The following Monday, my ob called me and informed me that my fluid levels were abnormally high. She had scheduled me an appointment with a specialist to see what was causing it. I had one ultrasound done at the specialist and although baby was breech, he assured me that baby's kidneys & heart were perfect and there was no other visible cause for the excess fluid and recommended that I get the genetic testing done that I had refused earlier in my pregnancy, as some genetic defects can cause excess fluid. I got the testing done the following day but the results can take a week or so to get back. 6 days after my ultrasound at the specialists, I woke up around 215am to my water breaking at exactly 33 weeks. We got our stuff rounded up and woke up our 7 year old and drove 45 minutes to a better hospital with a bigger, better nicu than the hospital I was originally going to deliver at. I was having some pretty intense contractions once we got to triage & the on call ob there "visually" checked my cervix and said it was closed. I was eventually moved to another room & given an ultrasound to verify baby's position & he was still breech. The same ob "visually" checked me again and again said that my cervix was closed. I told my husband that she can't be right as I was dilated to 1, 3 weeks prior. Finally around 730am, they had a shift change. The new ob finally digitally checked me & I was dilated to 6 (this is maybe 45 minutes after my last "visual" check). She did another ultrasound and told me I would be getting a csection, right now. They immediately started prepping me & I was terrified! I got the needle to my back while literally hyperventilating. Finally they allowed my husband to be there with me and started the csection. Our baby boy was born at 819am. 4lb 1oz, 16.25 inches long, eyes wide open & very strong lungs. We were allowed to each have a turn holding him, then my husband collected our older son from our previous room (a nurse volunteered to sit with him so my husband could be there with me) and they went down to the nicu with Bently while I was whisked away to recovery. It was one if the most terrifying experiences I've ever had. Our oldest son was born vaginally and I would choose a vaginal delivery over an emergency csection any day! Bently ended up staying in the nicu for 22 days. He is home now, though, and life is sweet :)