My birth story

I went to the doctor the morning of 10/6 at 39w2d, was 2 cm dilated & everything was fine. The doctor said my water was very tense & didn't expect me to make it to my due date. Sure enough, I went into labor that night at 10 pm. Within an hour my contractions were 5 mins apart. My husband came home from work, we grabbed our bags, & headed to the birth center. When we got there my blood pressure was a little high so they checked me in & hooked me up to keep an eye on everything. A couple hours later the contractions got worse & I asked for an epidural. After that I lost track of time bc it was past my bed time, the contractions no longer hurt, & I was tired. They had to put me on magnesium sulfate & induce me with pitocin bc my blood pressure was high enough to where I could have started having seizures. My water broke &, like the doctor predicted, I gushed fluid. At some point during pushing the nurse realized the baby was having a hard time coming out bc my coccyx was positioned oddly. They think it might've been pooped out of place when I was hit by a car 5 years ago. The baby decided to fix that & with a pop he started making progress. I was SO grateful for the epidural then, my coccyx was popped back into place by the baby's head. Afterwards, he made fast progress & Alexander Kai was finally born at 1:27 pm 10/7/16 at 7 lbs 7 oz & 20 in long. The nurses said he was the most active baby they'd seen with a magnesium sulfate birth. 2 weeks later my bp is finally getting back to normal & my tail bone is still sore, although I can sit up fit longer periods of time with less pain.