What type of BC did you use before you were TTC?

Gunce • Head of Research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 4 years of infertility treatments.

And do you think your past birth control (bc) use has made it easier or harder to TTC? 

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Posted at
Depo provers and it really sucks wish I never had gotten it its been 3yrs now since my last injection and still no pregnancy, even got checked by a fertility specialist who said me and my hubby are both good so what's the big deal here? Please Dont get the depo shot consider another option.


Posted at
Depo - worst contraception EVER!!Been TTC for 10 months now, very hard with irregular periods :( Starting taking vitex and now on Cd3 - feeling hopeful this cycle ?


Suzy • Dec 30, 2014
same here the depo shot is truly evil


Jessica • Dec 30, 2014
It's very evil TTC for 12 almost 13 months


Katie • Dec 30, 2014
Agreed!!! Evil, vile crap


Posted at
I was on pill for 10 years. Came off in July. Ovulated for first time in dec...and got my bfp Boxing Day!! 


V • Dec 30, 2014
It's the name for the 26th dec in the UK. Congrats nne


Amy • Dec 30, 2014
boxing day?


Nne • Dec 30, 2014
I got my Bfp on boxing day too :)


Posted at
I had an IUD. I LOVED it. It was awesome. I didn't have a period, I felt like it had just the right amount of hormones, and I didn't have to remember taking it everyday. I had Mirena, not the copper one. There is also an iud for women who haven't had children yet, I forget what it's called, it's like sky fall or something like that, but not that. Lol.


St • Dec 30, 2014
had 3 pregnancies, total of 4 kids because of having twins. Wonder if that matters. lol. ???


St • Dec 30, 2014
My sister's got 'lost' and had to be surgically removed. She had to pay out of pocket for the surgery as well. She has


Mrs.🅱️ • Dec 29, 2014
I had mirena as well, but haven't ever been pregnant.


Posted at
I used nuva ring and then for about a month bcp.I don't think that's why we've struggled though. I think it's our thyroid. Both hubby and I have hypothyroidism. But I'm 99% sure I'm ovulating this month! Right now in fact. BBT plummeted today and I have ewcm for the first time ever! The BD race is on! Cycle 7 ttc.


Posted at
NUVA ring 


Posted at
Depo. It's HORRIBLE. I HATE IT! I Stopped it in September 2013, and am still TTC!! Before that, we successfully used withdrawal method. I wish I had stuck with that vs getting on Depo. Hindsight....


Katie • Dec 30, 2014
Kalie what? B6 and what?


St • Dec 30, 2014
I've been taking B12 shots biweekly, prenatal vitamins, and eating well. I'll try the others as well. Ty for the tips!


St • Dec 30, 2014
Awesome! So happy for you, mama! Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy!!! ✨?✨


Posted at
I had two injections of depo, my last injection was October 2013, my cycles are now regular, but not sure if I'm ovulating, not a good BC if your wanting pregnancy in near future x 


St • Dec 29, 2014
to freaking ovulate. Def not good unless you don't want a baby for many YEARS.


St • Dec 29, 2014
positive on my OPK's. It's ridiculous. Never again. I'm too damn old to wait much longer. Almost a year and a half just


St • Dec 29, 2014
Agreed. I stopped Depo in September of 2013, & am just now starting to have reg cycles. I also just started getting a


Posted at
I was in ortho-tri-cyclen for about 10 years and it worked really well for me.  My first 3 cycles after I stopped last year were like clockwork, every 28 days. Then I went 105 days without a period. For the next few cycles, they ranged from 45-75 days. Just the last two cycles are FINALLY getting back to "normal". I'm so glad I stopped when I did because this month we started Ttc-ing. I feel like I would've been through a lot of heartache if had gone through all those cycle issues WHILE Ttc-ing. A gold friend got off by pill after about 5 years and it took them 18 cycles to get their bfp. I wish I never even started taking it! ?


Posted at
I used Mirena. I loved it.


Joshalynn • Dec 30, 2014
It took us 10 months, but I'm overweight and we didn't BD every other day like you're supposed to.


Nicole • Dec 30, 2014
I have used Mirena for years. Got pregnant immediately both times I removed it to ttc.


Ja • Dec 30, 2014
So did I, did you fall pregnant easily after removal?