Finally ready for baby Luke!


Finally got things all finnished today for our little man. Only thing left to do is finnish washing his clothes and for hubby to clean out the car so we can hook up the car seat.

I'm getting So excited to meet our baby boy and now I have alot less anxiety about if we will be ready in time. (Although I still wanna go wild cleaning the rest of the apartment. Lol)

36 weeks 4 days & last checked I was 2 cm & 60% thinned out. Been having alot more BH, pressure "down there" and just been feeling real restless & "off" the past 2 days so hoping its a good sign. Buwe will se in a couple days, next baby appointment is on Wednesday to see if I've progressed any. So fingers crossed! 🙂

Hope all of you other momma's are doing well & progressing the way you had hoped. Also congratulations to all the new momma's out there who have had their little ones already! I've been seeing so many post & Adorable pictures of little ones who have already joined us. Hope you all are doing well & having an easy recovery.