Birthing Story

On Sunday October 23rd 2016 , I woke up with what I think was contractions @ 6 that morning I was 34 weeks & 1 day , get to the emergency room / labor delivery && my blood pressure was super high so my Ob was like I was gone have to delivery her . By 11 that evening my bp went down I started laboring & contracting @ 2-3 I was giving the epidural he eventually came n && broke my water . && 6:30 I welcomed my precious widdle Karsyn into this world weighing at 3lbs 2oz she didn't need to be hooked up to nothing she's breathing n eating good , but due to her being premi she has to stay in NICU until she gets at least 4 -5 lbs . PLEASE KEEP MY MIRACLE BABY IN YOUR PRAYERS ITS GREATLY APPRECIATED 😘😍