cheated on a while ago and hubby side chick possibly pregnant

jazzy • Living life to the fullest everyday and being no one but MYSELF!!
To any female who has been through this or is going through it what advice can you give me? My partner of 8 years cheated on me a few months back which still feels so new to me. Just yesterday he told me that a person who knows the girl he was dealing is claiming she is almost four months pregnant and it's. y my husband. Now for me I don't believe it. I feel she is lying and just wants for my hubby to get in touch with her. I feel she still has feelings for my husband and can't get over him. Now that I know of my husband has not talked to her. Me being the woman I am I called her and asked if she was pregnant. She confirmed that she is and that it's my husband baby and that she was with no one else but him and that she is going on four months. Last I checked according to my hubby he last messed with her sometime in July. My husband says it could be accurate but he believes she is lying and if she is pregnant he wants a DNA. Honestly although I don't believe it the thought of this whore bag having a baby by my husband kills me inside. I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to break up and be done with him because he has put me through so much these last two years but the other part of me says if I love him like I say I do I should just wait and see if it's true and then run with it when it comes. Sad thing of it all I'm pregnant with our son and am due any day now and this has been a big stress on me. Any advice?