AMH levels PCOS -herbal supplements????

Pamela • Son Patrick 3/6/06. Chemical pregnancy 11/2016. Baby girl/boy twins Liliana and Alexander 11/7/17
I had a feeling that I wasn't ovulating and when I would ovulate it would be too late in my cycle making my leutal phase very short. I recently moved to Florida from NYC which was hard on me bc we are trying TTC. I had been with my previous doctor for 11 years and adored and trusted him and now I needed to start over. After seeing 2 doctors I selected mine here in Florida and he is very proactive and listened to all of my concerns. I did blood work that day and happened to be on day 3 of my cycle. I just got the report and my AMH Levels were 10.53 and he suspects I have PCOS. Thay day I made an appointment with the fertility specialist he recommended and the appointment with him on 21CD to check my progesterone. In the mean time I have been doing a lot of reading. I have been on prenatals for about 5 months now and since my appointment I started drinking fertility tea with chaste tree berry, red leaf raspberry and nettle leaf. I also have been taking red clover, maca and   ovaboost. My fertile window is not supposed to start for until 5 days  but my body was telling me different. I took a clear
Blue advantage OPK and I got my blinking smiley. I am glad I decided to take my OPK early bc normally I would wait until my projected fertile window. I am not sure if the supplements I have been taking is the cause of this but if so I am hoping this will be the month I get my BFP. Does anyone else take herbal supplements to help increase fertility and if so what do you take?