Birth Control & Period Dilema!!

Okayy i have a huge problem!! Here's how I'm assuming it started. About 6weeks ago was my last patch week of my old prescription for i had my off week (week 5) and i called in to refill my prescription. They told me i have to wait 72hrs to go pick it up and after those 72hrs I have a week to pick it up or else it would go back into stock. My parents missed the pick up time frame so i had to call in again and wait another 72hrs..then my patch off week ended and i had to start my patch 1 week (week 4) patch till that Thursday my parents picked it up. I applied it that Sunday (my usual patch apply/ remove day.) so i went through week 3 & 2 smoothly. But last week (week 1) was my last patch week before my off week (currently this week) but while on my patch 3, I started my period. I thought nothing of it bcuz i knew it would happen and <a href="">Eve</a>. predicted i would start while on the patch. But my period "ended" last Wednesday..but here's the dilema.. IM STILL BLEEDING!! Like right now as im typing im experiencing moderate cramps nd my legs are fatigue. (Those are symptoms i have on my period though!!) Girls, help a sister out. I'm scared and could really use some advice and support.