creeped the hell out please help

Nicole • 27 ❤️ Milwaukee born and raised 🐄🧀🍻
So I just got home from work (2:30 am) and this was slid under my door. Both doors are locked(I live alone in an apartment) but I'm so creeped out. I've only had Netflix on in the background since I got home and made myself some pasta before bed since I've been out all day. I just need some reassurance that no one is stalking me or being weird because that's what I'm thinking..
UPDATE: ok so the the best part about this apartment building is that we can never hear each other because our walls are so thick. It's rare. This is not the only apartment I've ever lived in. I also get home at the same time every night and do this often and it's never been a problem. The pot I used was already on the stove and I keep my TV at a low level because I don't want to disturb anyone. I'm very aware of noise levels even with the super thick walls. Which is why I don't think it has anything to do with noise. And I never filed a police report. I just let my manager know because it was super creepy. I was doing nothing wrong. Just getting ready for bed after work just like every other night.