Was it rape or am I over reacting?

I had this boyfriend he was 17 when we first started dating, I was 14. Three and a half year age difference. I found it kind of odd, and at the start tried to leave the relationship because he'd ignore plans for me for his friends and I didn't want to settle with that so he'd cry and make me feel terrible and beg me to stay. Fast forward he's 19 and 15 still together and all, he cheats on me for my 15 year old friend (offers to pay her). After that I no longer wanted sex, the few times I did it was to please him and make him happy and want to stay with me. In June before he left for basic training for the Air Force he insisted we have sex. We were in bed and I kept telling him wait a little bit wait, and he'd keep touching my legs my boobs, and just being really touchy. I kept saying no and it led up to me still not saying yes... us having sex. I never said yes and I wish I could give more detail of how it led up to sex but honestly I don't even know I can't remember. But all I remember is repeatedly saying "no let's wait" and him saying "but I'm leaving soon! If we wait till later I'll have to leave right after and we can't spend time together" "but we have to! I'll be gone for months". I hate talking about it because I don't know what it's considered 
Now looking back I regret the age gap because it makes me sad that I thought that was normal or okay because I didn't know. I think it's wrong and bad because well I didn't know better. At the time it seemed okay and that it was fine and now looking back (I'm 16) it wasn't. I shouldn't have been making those decisions and Im sad he let me because I assumed he was better 

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