Ready to pull my hair out.....moms, help!!

Meghan • Wife. Bonus Mommy. PCOS & Endometriosis. Emergency Room Tech. Nursing student.
Okay ladies, I need your help.....woke up at 4:00 am and heard my 3 year old daughter and my dog "playing" so I got up to scope out the situation......
The chocolate milk mix, food coloring, blue cake icing, and all cups were in a top cabinet. The dish soap was on the counter behind the kitchen sink. 
Everything used in the bathroom catastrophe had been in that green basket on the very top shelf of the over-the-toilet shelves. Hair dye, nail polish, lotion, diaper cream, nail polish remover, make up. All of it had been put up. 
Band aids and ear drops were on the VERY top shelf of the medicine cabinet that even I have trouble reaching?!
 Before anyone dives head first into "you should've had all of that put up" I did. Most of this stuff was put away on very top shelves and I cannot figure out how she got to it considering her last incident of this sort, we found a secure location for her stool. Oh! And she has purple hair now. And I had JUST shampoo'd my carpets two days ago...the last picture is chocolate powder and chocolate powder dog prints. 😡🙄
Items used: entire bottle of ketchup, entire bottle of mustard, entire bottle of lotion, purple hair dye, entire box of food coloring, dog food, ranch dressing, nail polish, chocolate milk powder mix, TWO entire bottles of dish soap, an entire tube of diaper rash cream, scented wax melts, bubble gum, and I'm not exactly sure what else. 
The issue isn't how to clean it up. I'm a Pinterest princess 😂 but I need advice on how to discipline her for this. My husband says we need to pack all of her toys up and let her earn them back since she chose to play in non-toy items instead of her room full of toys. 
Please no ugliness. Being a parent is hard enough lol