
Can someone give me the run down of all the abbreviations on here? I'm getting so confused ???
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On community, go to groups, go across to general support then the group Glow support. There is a pinned post about abbreviations. I had to bookmark it, as I get soooo confused ? x


Posted at
AF - Aunt Flo — menstruation/period BBT - basal body temperature BC - because, or birth control BD - baby dance (sex) BF - boyfriend BFN - big fat negative (pregnancy test) BFP - big fat positive (pregnancy test) CD - cycle day CF - cervical fluid CM - cervical mucus DC - dear child DD - dear daughter DF - dear fiancee DH - dear husband DP - dear partner DPO - days past ovulation DS - dear son DTD - do the deed DW - dear wife EWCM - egg white cervical mucus FYI - for your information HPT - home pregnancy test HTH - hope this helps IC - incompetent cervix IMHO - in my humble opinion IMO - in my opinion JJ or J/J - just joking JK or J/K - just kidding LO - little one LOL - laughing out loud MC or M/C - miscarriage NP - no problem O - ovulation O'd - ovulate OMG - oh my gosh, or oh my god OP - original poster OPK - ovulation predictor kit PG - pregnant, or pregnancy POAS - pee on a stick (i.e. pregnancy test) SO - significant other TIA - thanks in advance TMItoo much information TTC - trying to conceive US or U/S - ultrasound


Tiffany • Dec 30, 2014


Kat • Dec 30, 2014
found this too hope it helps :)


Posted at
Me too! Lol


Posted at
That's funny I feel the same way. I'm starting to figure a few out. BD is "Baby Dance"BFP is "Big Fat Positive" (pregnancy test)BFN is "Big Fat Negative"AF is "Aunt Flo" OPK is "Ovulation Prediction Kit"That's all I've got so far! Good luck! I'm definitely bookmarking this post just in case lol 


Posted at
Baby dance is obviously sex lol


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ttc is trying to conceive. I think dpo is days past ovulation. dh May be darling husband ans SO is significant other.