AF - Aunt Flo — menstruation/period BBT - basal body temperature BC - because, or birth control BD - baby dance (sex) BF - boyfriend BFN - big fat negative (pregnancy test) BFP - big fat positive (pregnancy test) CD - cycle day CF - cervical fluid CM - cervical mucus DC - dear child DD - dear daughter DF - dear fiancee DH - dear husband DP - dear partner DPO - days past ovulation DS - dear son DTD - do the deed DW - dear wife EWCM - egg white cervical mucus FYI - for your information HPT - home pregnancy test HTH - hope this helps IC - incompetent cervix IMHO - in my humble opinion IMO - in my opinion JJ or J/J - just joking JK or J/K - just kidding LO - little one LOL - laughing out loud MC or M/C - miscarriage NP - no problem O - ovulation O'd - ovulate OMG - oh my gosh, or oh my god OP - original poster OPK - ovulation predictor kit PG - pregnant, or pregnancy POAS - pee on a stick (i.e. pregnancy test) SO - significant other TIA - thanks in advance TMItoo much information TTC - trying to conceive US or U/S - ultrasound