Just about my day...

Justice • Justice

So I was working in Drive thru. And these girls came up took their orders but they had a werid ass order so I had my manager help me. Then we had 5 cars behind them. They kept saying we were missing shit and we werent. We saw the girl in the back to tell the driver that we had missed 3 claslaws which isnt true. Anyways I told them we cant give yall free food. We have many ppl behind u. She said "Are you getting smart bitch?" Thats when my eyes got big and i bit my tongue took a step back took some breathes and said "I need a manager this chick just called me a bitch and she is being rude" the manager just said "Come inside guys if we messed it up we will fix it" By the look these girls gave me i fucking knew what was about to happen. So they sit in the lobby staring me down and its time for me to get off work. They go to their car. I had chris pick me up bc again ik what was about to happen.

These girls freaking followed us saying fight fight me cunt. I ignored them and just thought about my dream ive been having. So We pull out they freaking threw a cup at the car missed. Chris wanted to lose them bc they started following us. And right by UDF they throw a cup and something hard at chris's window and we actually go off the road bc it almost broke the glass and they leave and we go home. So im really upset that my managers didnt even make them leave the lobby after i told them I knew wtf was about to happen.

So yea... that was my day girls.